Joint Devolution Committee

15 December 2023


Committee Work Programme


Report of the Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)


1.0 Purpose of the report
 1.1 Members are asked to note the Committee’s work programme (see Appendix A).




2.0         Remit of the Committee

2.1         The Joint Devolution Committee has the following functions:

·         To have oversight of the development of the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority and ensure that it is able to be launched in accordance with the Statutory Orders issued by Government.

·         To ensure that sufficient resources are made available to support the creation and implementation of the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority which includes

o   financial management and oversight

o   securing of appropriate resources (officers, technical and otherwise) to enable delivery and the development of governance and a policy framework.

·         To exercise the ability to approve or adopt any policy or policy framework which is solely and directly relevant to the development and implementation of the York and North Yorkshire Combined Authority.


3.0         Combined Authority Forward Plan

3.1         From its commencement, the Combined Authority must publish its own Forward Plan, giving at least 28 days notice of any key decisions being taken.


3.2         The Combined Authority’s Forward Plan will be presented to its inaugural meeting and then published on its website for inspection.

4.0       Financial implications

4.1       The financial implications are set out in the body of each report.

5.0       Legal implications

5.1       The legal implications are set out in the body of each report.

6.0      Climate change implications

6.1       There are no significant climate change implications arising from this report.

7.0       Equalities implications

7.1       There are no significant equalities implications arising from this report.


8.0 Recommendations
 8.1 That Members note the Committee’s work programme (see Appendix A).


Appendix A – Committee Work Programme.



Barry Khan

Assistant Chief Executive (Legal and Democratic Services)

County Hall


15 December 2023


Report Author:

Suzan Harrington, Interim Monitoring Officer



Note: Members are invited to contact the author in advance of the meeting with any detailed queries or questions.